Assessing Perchlorate Occurrence in Ambient Waters Following the Usage of Fireworks

Award Amount
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Due Date
Where the Opportunity is Offered
All of California
Eligible Applicant
Additional Eligibility Information
See Section III of the funding opportunity announcement for eligibility information.
Technical Contact: Ben Packard; 202-564-7673;

Ensuring clean and safe drinking water is important for protecting human health and the environment. While perchlorate comes from multiple sources, higher concentrations come from its use as an oxidizer in rocket propulsion systems, explosives, road flares, and fireworks. Fireworks, when used around surface and groundwater sources have the capacity to contaminate surface and groundwater used as drinking water sources. Prior research has investigated contamination from fireworks; however, there are gaps in understanding the magnitude and extent of perchlorate contamination before and after fireworks discharge around drinking water sources. This research will provide states and utilities with a better scientific understanding of the behavior of perchlorate after fireworks events to ultimately provide them with information and a construct as to whether management options are needed.

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