Bay Area AQMD Residential Incentive Programs

Where the Opportunity is Offered
Bay Area AQMD
Eligible Applicant

Air District Programs

Clean Cars for All: Low-income families can scrap an old vehicle and get a grant to reduce the cost of an electric vehicle, hybrid, plug-in hybrid, or a Clipper Card.

Community Health Protection Grant Program: Community groups, neighborhood associations, and other community-based local non-profits based in AB 617 Year 2-5 communities can apply for community readiness grants.

Community Grants Program: Non-profit organizations and school communities can apply for grants to fund local projects that decrease air pollution while increasing community awareness of and engagement in air quality issues

Lawn Mower Exchange ProgramComing soon. Get paid to exchange your working gas-powered lawn mower for a new electric mower.

Vehicle Buy Back Program: Get paid to turn in your working older car or small truck for scrapping.

Wood Smoke Reduction Incentive Program: Get a rebate for decommissioning or replacing your fireplace or wood stove with qualified cleaner heating options.

Marin County Wood Stove Replacement Program

Residents of Marin County can receive up to $1,500 for the removal and replacement of non-certified wood burning appliances.

Other Opportunities

Clean Vehicle Rebate Project: This program, administered by the Center for Sustainable Energy, offers up to $5,000 in rebates for the purchase or lease of new, eligible zero-emission and plug-in hybrid light-duty vehicles.

Bay Area Bike Share: Learn about Bay Area Bike Share, the nation's first unified regional bicycle sharing program.