“Carbon Capture R&D: Bench Scale Testing of Direct Air Capture Components (TRL 3) and Initial Engineering Design for Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Systems from Air (TRL 6)”

Award Amount
Maximum Amount
Assistance Type
Funding Source
Due Date
Where the Opportunity is Offered
All of California
Eligible Applicant
Patrick Lanford Mayle 304-285-4454

DE-FOA-00002458 This is a Notice of Intent to Issue Funding Opportunity Announcement No.: DE-FOA-0002402 “Carbon Capture R&D: Bench Scale Testing of Direct Air Capture Components (TRL 3) and Initial Engineering Design for Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Systems from Air (TRL 6)” The NOI is for informational purposes only; the Department of Energy is not seeking comments on the information in this notice and full applications are not being accepted at this time. Any information contained in this notice is subject to change. If released, the intent of this FOA is to support the Department of Energy’s Carbon Capture program by developing lower cost, scalable technologies for carbon dioxide capture from air. There are two anticipated Areas of Interest (AOI): AOI 1 - Bench-Scale Testing of Structured Material Systems or Component Designs (TRL 3) for Optimized Direct Air Capture. AOI 2 - Initial Engineering Design of Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage Systems (TRL 6) for Direct Air Capture

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