Maldives Rehabilitation and Reintegration Assistance

Award Amount
Maximum Amount
Assistance Type
Funding Source
Implementing Entity
Due Date
Where the Opportunity is Offered
All of California
Eligible Applicant
Additional Eligibility Information
U.S. or foreign not-for-profit organizations, including think tanks and civil society/non-governmental organizations, U.S. or foreign public and private educational institutions, Foreign Public International Organizations (PIOs) and Governmental institutions, For-profit and Commercial firms, although it must be noted that U.S. Department of State generally prohibits profit under its assistance awards to for-profit or commercial organizations. Profit is defined as any amount in excess of allowable direct and indirect costs.
Michelle Ballard;

The Bureau of Counterterrorism (CT) of the U.S. Department of State announces an open competition for organizations to submit applications to enhance the capacity of the National Reintegration Center (NRC) and rehabilitative care of victims returning to Maldives, including the establishment and refinement of standard operating procedures (SOPs) and programs related to childcare, rehabilitation, and reintegration in alignment with UN minimum standards and best practices

Last Updated