WaterSMART Drought Response Program: Drought Contingency Planning Grants for Fiscal Year 2022

Award Amount
Maximum Amount
Assistance Type
Funding Source
Implementing Entity
Due Date
Where the Opportunity is Offered
All of California
Eligible Applicant
Additional Eligibility Information
An eligible applicant is a state, tribe, irrigation district, water district, or other organization with water or power delivery authority that completes the required technical consultation described below.Applicants must also be in one of the following states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.To be eligible under this NOFO, applicants must participate in a technical consultation with Reclamation Drought Coordinator prior to development of a proposal. During this technical consultation, the Reclamation Drought Coordinator will discuss Drought Response Program objectives, the six required elements of a drought plan or plan update, planning steps, and eligible tasks. The technical consultation will provide interested applicants an opportunity to ask questions about the Drought Response Program and ensure that there is a clear understanding of program requirements. Reclamation reserves the right to remove an application from consideration if a technical consultation was not completed. 
Alisha James

The objective of this NOFO is to invite states, tribes, irrigation districts, water districts, and other organizations with water or power delivery authority to leverage their money and resources by cost sharing drought contingency planning with Reclamation to build resilience to drought in advance of a crisis. Applicants under this NOFO may request funding to develop a new drought plan or to update an existing drought plan (collectively, Drought Contingency Plans).

Last Updated