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Title Due Date Maximum Award Amount Description
Multi-family Energy Efficiency and Renewables No Due Date Given Varies

Provides technical assistance and incentives for the installation of energy efficiency measures and solar PV in low-income multi-family dwellings serving priority populations. These projects reduce residential energy demand and GHG emissions. Low-income residents that participate in this program benefit from lower energy costs. The program also helps preserve affordable housing by reducing owner operating costs.

CSD modeled its Multi-Family Program to improve the energy efficiency of multi-family buildings and achieve greenhouse gas emission reductions. Each building is thoroughly assessed and evaluated both visually and through the use of diagnostic energy audit tools to determine a suite of greenhouse gas reducing energy efficiency and renewable energy measures for installation and living in common areas.

The Association for Energy Affordability, Inc (AEA) serves as the statewide administrator of the LIWP Multi-Family Program. AEA conducts energy audits and modeling to identify energy efficiency measures and renewables for installation in qualifying multi-family buildings, with assistance and incentives to property owners towards agreed-upon scopes of work.

Low-Income Weatherization Program (LIWP) Farmworker Housing Component No Due Date Given Varies

The Low-Income Weatherization Program's (LIWP's) Farmworker Housing Component installs no-cost energy efficiency improvements and/or solar PV systems for qualified farmworker households. Funded by the State of California to help households save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the program lowers energy costs for families and makes other improvements to improve the livability of housing. 

Launched in 2019, the LIWP Farmworker Housing Component provides services in the 12 counties in California that have the highest farmworker populations, including: 


Clean Vehicle Financing Assistance No Due Date Given $5,000.00

Financing Assistance offers lower-income consumers a low-interest loan and a vehicle price buy-down to purchase a new or used zero-emission, plug-in hybrid electric, or hybrid vehicle. Lenders are offered a loan loss reserve to mitigate their risk. 

The Clean Vehicle Assistance Program provides grants and affordable financing to help income-qualified Californians purchase or lease a new or used hybrid or electric vehicle. Our goal is to make clean vehicles accessible and affordable to all who qualify.

The Clean Vehicle Assistance Program is funded by California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy and improving public health and the environment—particularly in disadvantaged communities.

Clean Truck and Bus Vouchers No Due Date Given $300,000.00

The Clean Truck and Bus Vouchers program provides vouchers for the purchase of advanced technology heavy-duty trucks and buses to support the long-term transition to zero-emission vehicles in the heavy-duty market, as well as supporting investments in other emerging technology to help meet health-based ambient air quality standards, and achieve substantial greenhouse gas reductions.

Clean Cars 4 All No Due Date Given $9,000.00

Clean Cars 4 All's goal is to help lower-income California residents replace old, polluting cars with cleaner, more fuel efficient vehicles. Clean Cars 4 All provides financial incentives to retire older, more polluting vehicles and replace them with newer, cleaner hybrid and zero-emission vehicles or alternative mobility options.  

The program is run regionally by participating Air Districts.

Residents must have a household income of no more than 400 percent of the federal poverty limit. Residents must reside in ZIP codes containing a disadvantaged community census tract in the Bay Area, Sacramento, San Joaquin, and South Coast Air Districts.
Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program (AHSC) Program $3,000,000.00

The Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program (AHSC) creates healthier communities and reduces greenhouse gas emissions by increasing the supply of affordable housing near jobs, amenities, and transportation options. This program has received $1,121.8 million. $433.8 million has been implemented


Who can access funds?

Local governments, transportation and transit agencies, non-profit and for-profit housing developers, joint powers authorities, K-12 school, college and university districts, federally recognized Native American tribes.


Round 6 Applications due June 11, 2021. 

Round 6 Award Announcements anticipated October 28, 2021.

The timing of future funding rounds is TBD.
Clean Vehicle Rebate Program No Due Date Given Varies

The Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP) promotes clean vehicle adoption by offering rebates of up to $7,000 for the purchase or lease of new, eligible zero-emission vehicles, including electric, plug-in hybrid electric and fuel cell vehicles. As long as funds are available, eligible California residents can follow a simple process to apply for a CVRP rebate after purchasing or leasing an eligible vehicle.