FY 2021 Training and Technical Assistance to Improve Water Quality and Enable Small Public Water Systems to Provide Safe Drinking Water

Award Amount
Maximum Amount
Assistance Type
Funding Source
Implementing Entity
Due Date
Where the Opportunity is Offered
All of California
Eligible Applicant
Additional Eligibility Information
See Section III of funding opportunity announcement for eligibility information.
Brianna Knoppow

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is soliciting applications under the authority of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) and the Clean Water Act (CWA) from eligible applicants as described in Section III.A to provide training and technical assistance for small public water systems, small publicly owned wastewater systems, communities served by onsite/decentralized wastewater systems, and private drinking water well owners.1 Training and technical assistance activities provided to these systems, communities, and private drinking water well owners should be made available nationally in rural and urban communities and to personnel of tribally-owned and -operated systems. The proposed activities support the Agency’s Strategic Plan for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 – 2022, Goal 1: A Cleaner, Healthier Environment: Deliver a cleaner, safer, and healthier environment for all Americans and future generations by carrying out the Agency’s core mission, Objective 1.2: Provide for Clean and Safe Water. The EPA’s Strategic Plan is available at www.epa.gov/planandbudget/strategicplan. All applications must be for activities that support the goals and objectives identified above. National Priority Areas identified in this announcement are for:Training and Technical Assistance for Small Public Water Systems to Achieve and Maintain Compliance with the SDWA, including Improving Financial and Managerial Capacity;Training and Technical Assistance for Small Publicly-Owned Wastewater Systems and Onsite/Decentralized Wastewater Systems to Help Improve Water Quality; andTraining and Technical Assistance for Private Drinking Water Well Owners to Help Improve Water Quality.Assisting small systems with their technical, managerial, and financial capacity to achieve long-term sustainability and resiliency is a key priority for the Agency.

Last Updated