Archaeology Program Senior Research Awards

Due Date
Where the Opportunity is Offered
All of California
Eligible Applicant
Additional Eligibility Information
*Who May Serve as PI: PIs and co-PIs must be researchers who have a Ph.D. or equivalent education and experience, sufficient to allow them to carry out independent basic research. PIs of senior research proposals are encouraged to include undergraduate and graduate students in their research projects, but not as PI/co-PI or other senior personnel.
NSF support

The Archaeology Program supports anthropologically relevant archaeological research to increase understanding of past behaviors. This means that the value of the proposed research can be justified within an anthropological context. It is the responsibility of the investigator to explain convincingly why the focus of their research is significant and has the potential to contribute to anthropological knowledge. The program sets no priorities by either geographic region or time period. It also has no priorities in regard to theoretical orientation or question. While the program, in order to encourage innovative research, neither limits nor defines specific categories of research, most proposals either request funds for field research or the analysis of archaeological material through multiple approaches.

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