DE-FOA-0002798 is a Notice of Intent to Issue DE-FOA-0002799 titled Regional Initiative to Accelerate Carbon Management Deployment.

Award Amount
Maximum Amount
Assistance Type
Funding Source
Due Date
Where the Opportunity is Offered
All of California
Eligible Applicant
Additional Eligibility Information
Eligibility will be addressed in the Funding Opportunity Announcement
Angela M. Harshman 412-386-5038

DE-FOA-0002798 is a Notice of Intent to Issue DE-FOA-0002799 titled Regional Initiative to Accelerate Carbon Management Deployment: Technical Assistance for Large Scale Storage Facilities and Regional Carbon Management Hubs. The objective of the planned Funding Opportunity Announcement is to establish a consistent, effective mechanism for providing technical assistance to develop multiple large scale carbon storage facilities and regional carbon management (CM) hubs that could store hundreds of millions of tons and inject over 5 million metric tons per year. DISCLAIMER: This Notice of Intent is for informational purposes only. This is solely a Notice of Intent and is not a Funding Opportunity Announcement. The Department of Energy is not accepting applications under this Notice of Intent.

Last Updated