DOD Epilepsy, Virtual Post-Traumatic Epilepsy Research Center Faculty Award

Due Date
Where the Opportunity is Offered
All of California
Eligible Applicant
CDMRP Help Desk

The ERP seeks to solicit Faulty members to join the Virtual Post-Traumatic Epilepsy Research Center (P-TERC) in order to advance PTE research through development of early-career investigators and investigators new to the PTE field. The ERP Virtual P-TERC is a unique, interactive virtual research center providing intensive mentoring, national networking, collaborations, and a peer group for new PTE investigators. The overarching goal of the Virtual P-TERC is to develop successful, highly productive PTE researchers in a collaborative research and career development environment to enhance quality and expand quantity of the PTE research field. The Virtual P-TERC is a multi-institutional career development and research training platform that consists of Faculty and their Career Guides (primary mentors) and is managed by a Director and Deputy Director.

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