F24AS00002 Partners for Fisheries Monitoring Program (2024-2027)

Award Amount
Maximum Amount
Assistance Type
Funding Source
Implementing Entity
Due Date
Where the Opportunity is Offered
All of California
Eligible Applicant
Additional Eligibility Information
Regional Alaska Native organizations, Rural Non-profit organizations and Federally recognized Tribal Governments.
Karen Hyer

The Department of the Interior, through the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Subsistence Management (OSM), administers the Partners for Fisheries Monitoring Program (Partners Program). OSM is seeking proposals for the Partners Program that strengthen Alaska Native and rural involvement in Federal subsistence management. The Partners Program is a competitive grant that is directed at providing funding for biologists, social scientists and outreach/educator positions in Alaska Native and rural non-profit organizations with the intent of increasing the organizations ability to participate in Federal subsistence management. In addition, the program supports a variety of opportunities for local, rural students to connect with subsistence resource monitoring and management through science camps and paid internships. The anticipated start date is January 1, 2024 but may be later depending on the project. Both new and existing Partners are eligible to compete for new awards. The total for all awards will be up to $4,008,000 beginning in 2024. Annual individual award amounts for biologist, social scientist, or outreach/educator positions with or without an internship program may not exceed $167,000. This award includes salary, travel, internships, office space and supplies, etc. These positions may be full or part-time within a calendar year. Requests for funding for biologist, social scientist, or outreach/educator positions may be up to four years. However, it is encouraged to apply for the full four years as the next cycle of funding will not occur until 2028. Part-time biologist, part-time social scientist, or part-time educator positions with or without an internship program must be pro-rated accordingly, We anticipate selection of both full time and part time positions.

Last Updated