PGO Request for SSH Proposals

Award Amount
Maximum Amount
Assistance Type
Funding Source
Implementing Entity
Due Date
Where the Opportunity is Offered
All of California
Eligible Applicant
Additional Eligibility Information
Local communities, cooperatives, associations, local NGOs, municipalities.
Program and Grants Office (PGO)

A.1. Background: U.S. Embassy Nouakchott’s Program and Grants Office (PGO) announces a request for full proposals from organizations interested in applying for funding for program proposals that promote socioeconomic activities under its Ambassador’s Special Self Help program (SSH). PGO invites organizations interested in potential funding to submit their proposals that reflect the below goals - pending funding availability. Please carefully follow all instructions below. A.2. The Special Self-Help Program Objectives: Programming supported with SSH resources should address the following program objective: The purpose of the Special Self-Help program is to fund grants for small development activities that generate public awareness of U.S. foreign assistance efforts but that fall outside the structure of other established U.S. assistance projects. The program is intended to be flexible and allow the Ambassador to respond directly to requests from local communities for assistance with small community projects that have immediate impact, and further mission policies and objectives. Equally important, the Special Self-Help program is structured to encourage communities to be self-reliant and undertake similar activities on their own in the future. All Special Self-Help projects are community-based, initiated locally, administered at the local level, and include significant community contributions in cash, labor or materials. The implementation period for individual self-help projects is short - less than one year, and projects are small – ranging in cost from $3,000 to $10,000. Projects proposed should not exceed $10,000 (about 3.7 million MRU)

Last Updated