Materials and Chemical Sciences Research for Direct Air Capture of Carbon Dioxide

Award Amount
Maximum Amount
Assistance Type
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Implementing Entity
Due Date
Where the Opportunity is Offered
All of California
Eligible Applicant
Daniel Matuszak

The DOE SC program in Basic Energy Sciences (BES) announces its interest in receiving applications from single investigators and from teams for support of experimental and theoretical efforts to advance fundamental understanding of the capture of carbon dioxide (CO2) from dilute sources including combined capture and chemical conversion of CO2. Although direct air capture of carbon dioxide (DAC) generally refers to the capture of CO2 from ambient air, this FOA also considers the removal of CO2 from partially concentrated air (e.g., building HVAC exhaust) and from natural fluids (e.g., the ocean and surface waters) that received their CO2 directly from ambient air. Enhanced understanding of scientific phenomena and approaches for DAC would accelerate progress and strengthen the foundation for applications that deliver economic benefit and/or energy security.

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