
Title Due Date Maximum Award Amount Sort descending Description
Tuolumne County APCD Carl Moyer Program No Due Date Given Varies

The Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program provides incentive grants for cleaner-than-required engines, equipment, and other sources of pollution providing early or extra emission reductions. Eligible projects include cleaner on-road, off-road, marine, locomotive, and stationary agricultural pump engines. The program provides monetary grants to private companies and public agencies to clean up their heavy-duty engines beyond that required by law through retrofitting, re-powering, or replacing their engines with newer and cleaner engines.

San Luis Obispo APCD Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Funding No Due Date Given Varies

The SLO County APCD's Alt Fuel Infrastructure Grant Program provides funding for Electric Vehicle Charging and Natural Gas Fueling Stations in San Luis Obispo County. 

This is a first-come, first-serve program and $60,000 is currently available for new, conversion of existing, and expansion to existing non-residential EV Charging and Natural Gas Fueling Stations. 

Electrified Dairy Feed Mixing Program No Due Date Given Varies

The District has developed this new pilot incentive program to target the installation of electric feed mixing equipment and further reduce diesel emissions from tractors and other mobile equipment and vehicles at Valley dairies and other confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs). The primary emission reductions from this program will be from the elimination of existing ag tractors that mix and deliver feed, the elimination or reduction in usage of on-road trucks used to deliver feed, and reduction in usage of any remaining off-road equipment used in the feeding process. Further emission reductions and cost-savings to Valley dairies and CAFO's will be achieved through increased efficiencies of the new systems that result in an overall reduction in feed mixing equipment usage. Due to the complexity of this program, it is strongly advised that interested applicants speak with program staff to ensure proper submittal of an application.

Antelope Valley AQMD Carl Moyer Program No Due Date Given Varies

Program Objectives: 

To improve the quality of the air in the Antelope Valley by funding local, cost-effective projects to upgrade heavy-duty equipment. 

Great Basin Unified APCD Carl Moyer Program No Due Date Given Varies

The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) is partnering with the Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District (GBUAPCD) to administer the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program (Carl Moyer Program) in Inyo, Mono and Alpine Counties.

The Carl Moyer Program provides grant funding to encourage the voluntary purchase of cleaner-than-required engines, equipment, and emission reduction technology.

Tehama County APCD Carl Moyer and FARMER Program No Due Date Given Varies

The Tehama County Air Pollution Control District (Air District) is currently accepting application packets for Year 22 of the Carl Moyer Program and Year 3 of the FARMER Program. 

In Tehama County the Carl Moyer Program and FARMER Program provide grant funding for qualifying projects. Applicants must obtain approval and have a signed, executed contract from the Air District prior to purchase and installation of any qualifying equipment. Any equipment purchased or installed prior to contract execution is ineligible. Please note that the Carl Moyer Program and FARMER Program are NOT rebate programs.

SLO Wood Smoke Reduction Program No Due Date Given Varies

The San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District (APCD) is implementing the Woodsmoke Reduction Program throughout San Luis Obispo County.  The Woodsmoke Reduction Program is part of a statewide program supported by the “California Climate Investments” (CCI) program that provides grants, as shown in the table below, to qualified applicants who replace existing wood burning stoves or fireplaces that are used as a primary source of heat in their home.  Applicants can replace their old device with a natural gas, propane heating device, or a U.S. EPA certified wood stove or wood stove insert. Questions about our program and to see if you qualify, email us at woodsmoke@slocleanair.org.

Ag Pump Program No Due Date Given Varies

This program provides incentives for engine replacement (repower) of engines/motors used to power agricultural irrigation pumps. Funds are provided on a first come, first serve basis and applicants must obtain approval and have a signed, executed contract from the SJVAPCD prior to purchase of new equipment. Any equipment purchased prior to contract execution is ineligible as this is not a rebate program.

Antelope Valley AQMD EV Charging Stations Program No Due Date Given Varies

This incentive based program is to encourage local entities within the Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District (AVAQMD) to install electric vehicle charging stations to offer public options for electric vehicle charging.  Ideal project sites include but are not limited to retail centers, multi-unit dwellings, workplaces, hospitals, public transit stations, and park & rides.  This program will reimburse District Board approved projects up to 80 percent of the total costs of infrastructure, charging equipment and installation where the maximum funding amount is determined by meeting general criteria.  

Imperial County APCD Carl Moyer Program No Due Date Given Varies

The Imperial County Air Pollution Control District (ICAPCD) has grant funds available under the Carl Moyer Program to assist Imperial County individuals and businesses in reducing pollutants from diesel engines by replacing them with newer, cleaner technologies. Grants will be made available to qualified applicants, subject to the requirements of the program.
